My favorite color is red, and usually when I ask Little Miss - she'll say red is hers too. So we had a red day. First - we both dressed in red and read
Little Red Riding Hood.

Then we went on a red hunt..."We're going on a red hunt, we're going to find red. We're not scared...what a beautiful day!" Just like the chant in the book
We're Going On A Bear Hunt. Little Miss loved this game. Apparently the only color I know how to decorate with is red (like I said, it's my fav, don't judge me...) so we had no trouble finding red around the house!

After finding a ladybug shaped rock outside, washing and drying it - we painted with red. Little Miss loves painting and after her ladybug rock was finished asked for a piece of paper...

While our ladybug rocks dried we ate some red snacks - craisins, red vines, red juice, and a healthy red shake made with frozen strawberry puree, fresh banana and yogurt.

Then it was off to campus - I had a class to attend, so Grandma took her on a red hunt around campus - they found a book about red, a red apple, red fire hydrants, red painted curbs, red stop signs, and lots of college kids to dote on her. Which of course, she loved.
We finished our red day by
coloring a page about red things before nap time.

Having a color day is a great opportunity to reinforce the known, or introduce new concepts to younger children, and help your child be more aware of her surroundings. Painting and coloring were also great activities to help those fine motor skills develop.