Friday, November 2, 2012

Glow Sticks to the Rescue!

My husband and I have been working on being self-sufficient and prepared for an emergency for a long time - but recently, with the effects of Sandy back east, we've felt a definite push to be on top of things. You know those people you've seen interviewed..."We need help! Send us food. We need water. Everything is gone." - flashback of Katrina, anyone!?

My heart goes out to them. I can't even imagine losing everything. But I do know one thing - if an emergency comes our way, I don't want to be helpless. I don't want to watch my kids starve. I don't want to not have food, water, the basic essentials.

I want to be ready, be prepared, and not have to rely on others if I can help it. I want to be so prepared that we can help others.

So, guess what we've been working on?! Everything emergency prep...but I won't hit you with it all at once. It's all so daunting, the only way to tackle it all is baby here is an easy and fun way to get started...

Like lots of kids my Little Miss is scared of the dark and will not sleep without a if we had a power outage, bedtime would be miserable. She'd end up sleeping with us - which, is like sleeping with a hyperactive solution: glow sticks! It's a fun, easy, cheap way to solve the power outage scare. What better way to distract the kids with some fun in a tube?!

With Halloween just over we were able to pick up tons of super cheap glow sticks that will be kept in our emergency supplies, next to flashlights and batteries.

So go out and get prepared while they're on sale and in stock!!

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