I found this great website - wholesomebabyfood.com - and it has saved us a ton of money, plus it's fresh and super healthy, and way easier than you'd think.
The website has info on food safety, age to introduce certain foods, best ways to cook it to keep the most nutrition in, food storage, recipes, and allergy information. I love it!
To date I've made - sweet potato, peas, carrots, prunes, apples, bananas, zuchini, butternut squash, peaches, avocado, pears, and green beans.
Most of them get steamed, pureed, and then I just freeze them in cubes in an ice cube tray for storage. Then in freezer bags with labels & dates.

And as if I couldn't be more OCD about the process - I keep all the ziplocs in a new pull-out shoe organizer - this way the little bags don't get lost in our all-too-small freezer.
Little Miss always helps me - by watching - and loves to know what's going on in the kitchen. She is always up for tasting while making too!

- Frozen food cubes help soothe teething gums
- Cooking healthy for Little Miss makes us automatically eat better too
- When steaming apples, our house smells delicious!
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