I'm not sure if this is the same little girl - or if someone switched babies on me. Usual pre-naptime routine, but once she realized I was about to put her in the crib she ran down the hall saying "nooo".
I just waited in her room, started the music, and she came back to give me a big hug. Maybe she clung to me like a monkey too. But once she was in her crib she stayed laying down, actually let me tuck her in, and didn't cry at all! Not a peep.
I told her the usual "I love you, I'll stay right here", while pointing to a spot on the rug. Four minutes of silence and she was out cold!! No thrashing around trying to get comfy or anything. This feeling I have right now, it must be similar to how it feels to complete potty training - I am ecstatic!!!
NIGHT 3: 23 minutes
Regular routine, prayers, then while giving daddy a goodnight hug she started getting upset. Just a little fussing. He left, I gave her big loves. Pointed out she got to sleep with her big girl pillow now since she goes to sleep like a big girl (a small pillow I made for her) - laid her down, no crying/fussing, a goodnight kiss "I love you, I'll be right here". And that was it! She laid quietly stroking the ear of Spot.
The only problem, her nap was so good today, she slept longer (and woke up happier from it) - so she wasn't quite as tired as usual. So it took about 20 minutes of laying quietly till she finally dozed off. No complaints from me, sometimes I have a hard time going to sleep too!
Oh, but I did peek a couple of times to find two little eyes glowing blue from the night light staring at me in silence, that was slightly creepy. But at least she wasn't crying! Now to just slowly make our way to the door & then to leave completely. Not sure how long that part will take. I'll probably post our progress in a week.
There is hope tired moms & dads!!
Read what happens next...
Sleep Chronicles: Day 4 Through Week 3
Or start at the beginning...
Sleep Chronicles: and So It Begins
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