This picture is my Little Miss sleeping with her teddy bear on her head...oh how I love that little munchkin! She does the funniest things in her sleep. This is it, the last installment of sleep chronicles, hopefully. And get excited all you tired moms, it's a good one.

my last post (dec 4th) - it was only another 3-4 days and we were laying her in bed, tucking her in, and walking out of the room. Then one night Ry just decided to shut the door and see what happened. Nothing. She laid there quietly and went to sleep. AWESOME!!
So that was the routine, easy - loving it! Sometimes she'd be asleep within 3-5 min, other nights she'd talk for awhile. Some nights she would get up and decide to tuck her dolly in over and over again. On those nights we'd wait a few minutes, go in and remind her it was time to sleep, not time to play and gently tuck her back in, usually only one reminder and she would lay still.
She even did great over the holidays staying at her Grandma & Grandpa's house - which we thought might mess things up. No problem.
Then about a week ago the unexpected - she had a bad dream and was scared to be in her room alone. It only took about 3-4 days and we had her trained again. The first night - tucking her in repeatedly, lots of cuddles, sitting by the door so she wasn't alone & by the 4th night leaving with the door shut again. No problem. We're flexible and willing to work through those things with her. I have no doubt we'll have to re-train her every so often, but the end result is so worth it.
I love my good sleeper girl!! Plus our "spy-camera" monitor really helps!! With her door shut we can see what she's doing - if she's playing and needs to be tucked in again, etc. We found it on for less than half of the original cost. Totally worth it. I love you spy camera.
To read the whole story...
Sleep Chronicles: and So It Begins