I really hate putting all the chemicals on Little Miss's skin. We go camping a lot - so I have to figure something out. When she was a baby and put everything in her mouth it made me extra nervous that she would ingest all those chemicals. Here are some natural alternatives I've found and will be trying...
In Our Yard
- Marigolds & Thai Lemon Grass are natural bug deterrents - so I'm going to be planting some to have on our porch and close to our door.
- A bit of sage or rosemary thrown on the coals during a barbeque will keep the bugs at bay, and smell great!
- 1/2 oz citronella oil, 1/4 oz lavendar oil, 1/8 oz pennyroyal oil, 1/8 oz tea tree oil, 1/8 oz jojoba oil - mix well. Add 16 oz almond oil and blend thoroughly. Add 16 oz vodka, pour into spray bottle and shake before using.
- Mix one part garlic juice with 5 parts water in a small spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray lightly on exposed body parts for an effective repellent lasting up to 5 - 6 hours. Strips of cotton cloth can also be dipped in this mixture and hung in areas, such as patios, as a localized deterrent.
- Thai Lemon Grass - break off a stalk, peel off the outer leaves, bend the stem between your fingers, loosening it, then rub vigorously between your palms until it's a juicy, pulpy mess. Then rub this over all exposed skin.
- 1/2 oz citronella oil, 1/4 oz lavendar oil, 1/8 oz pennyroyal oil, 1/8 oz tea tree oil, 1/8 oz jojoba oil - mix well. Add 16 oz almond oil and blend thoroughly.
- The CDC reports studies have found that Lemon Eucalyptus works just a good as DEET in repelling mosquito's - I'll definitely be trying this one out.

Homemade Zinc Oxide Sunscreen
Note: This recipe will leave a white nose “lifeguard style.”
1 Tbs zinc oxide
1 1/2 tsp light sesame oil
1 Tbs rosewater
Mix together the zinc oxide and sesame oil. Heat the mixture gently, using a double boiler, and stir well to mix. Remove from heat and slowly add the rosewater, as you continue stirring. Allow to cool completely, and store in a clean container with a tight lid, in the fridge. Yield: 2 oz. Keeps: Up to 10 days in the fridge.
And one more...
- 5 oz grapeseed oil (feel free to infuse with herbs like Calendula or Plantain)
- 1 tablespoon shea butter
- 1/2 oz beeswax
- 4 0z lavender hydrosol (or any other hydrosol you like)
- 2 tbls zinc oxide powder
I scoop some into a tin to take on the go, and refill when needed. I can’t give you the spf factor, but I have used it on myself and all my kids (4 of them ranging from 16 months to 10 years) and after a day at the beach, and 2 hour hikes, no one has gotten any burns or redness. I also like to use it as a barrier cream.
There are other sunblock recipes I found - but most of them require 10-12 expensive ingredients...I don't want to go expensive. I just want something to work!
Do you have any good natural ways to get rid of bugs and avoid sun rays?
all good to know! thanks for the info. :)