Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Kid-Friendly New Years Party

Although Little Miss won't be staying up till midnight (I'm not even sure if we will, lame...) - we still want to party! Here are some of the things on our list for New Year's Eve...
  • Make Some Noise!
We'll be taking some of these...
    And adding some of these...

    To make our own homemade noise makers to ring in the new year! You could also use rice, marbles, any small hard object you have lying around.
    • Homemade Party Hats

    I love the monster face ones. You just need some construction paper - or any stiff paper, glue/tape/stapler, scissors, crayons/markers, ribbon, glitter - whatever you want to use to decorate you hats!
    • Kid-Appropriate Bubbly
    You can either buy the sparkling cider or just add some ginger ale to your apple juice. I prefer the apple juice + ginger ale - this way I can control the flavor a little more.
    • A Family Flick

    We love to pile up pillows and blankets on the floor and watch a movie as a family while eating popcorn...okay, so we've only done it once, but we loved it! And we will be doing it again. It's a special treat for Little Miss because we really don't watch all that much TV, let alone a full length movie. So it will be something special for us to do on New Year's Eve.

    I'm leaning towards Despicable Me - since none of us have seen it - but I need input. Is it appropriate for a 2 1/2 yr old little girl who takes everything literally? Example: we can't let her watch Toy Story 3 because of the scary toys...

    What are you doing with your kids on New Year's? Or are you and your hubby flying solo?

    1 comment:

    1. I won't be staying up til midnight either, LOL.
      We took our kids (5 and almost 2) to see Dispicible Me in the theater. They both liked it, and I cannot remember there being anything that scared them. (we watched Toy Story 3 in the theater too, and I thought it was too scarey too).
      other suggestions (that my kids LOVE): Horton Hears a Who, Bolt, and Backyardigains Tale of the Mighty Knights.


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