Monday, March 21, 2011

DIY: Pretend Mini Make-up for your Little Princess

Little Miss is all girl - and that is just fine with me! I wasn't a super girly-girl growing up, I didn't even start wearing make-up regularly till college, it's true. And looking back at high school photos I cringe that no one ever told me to pluck my eyebrows - seriously, my so called 'friends' of old who read this blog - why didn't you tell me!? Anyway...if Little Miss wants to be way girly, I'm not about to stop her...

She has been very insterested in my make-up for a long time, always wanting to put some on. But, I'm not about to raise one of these...

...Yikes. Little girls should not actually be wearing real make-up! They grow up fast enough as it is. But playing pretend is great!

So, when I finished off some of my make-up, instead of tossing it, this is what I did...(thanks to my sweet friend Shauna for the brilliant idea!)

Fist I cleaned the cases out completely.

Then I let Little Miss pick out two nail polish colors she wanted for her pretend make-up.

After two quick coats...

She loves putting on her pretend make-up! 

It's also important to make sure your mini make-up bag is equipped with a yummy strawberry chapstick that must be eaten applied at least 25 times a day and eventually hidden by mommy for fear of chapstick intoxication.


  1. 1) I feel the same way about my high school eyebrows. Why didn't anyone tell me to tame those beasts!

    2) I love the idea of using fingernail polish to add color to the make-up cases. I thought you were just going to let her use the empty containers (which would have been fine), but taking it one step further makes it so cute and creative! I hope I have a girl one day so I can do this!

  2. Um... when did Sadie start looking like she belongs in Jr. High or something? Little Miss Thang is growing up too fast!

  3. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! Hope all is well.

  4. Such a cute idea!

    You're so right, girls today are forced to grow up so quickly. President Kimball taught that we ought to discourage the premature sophistication of our daughters, but I agree with you that pretend is OK, and this is such a cute way to do it!


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