I love these Easter Eggs...beautiful. And different. This isn't exactly a kid friendly project - at least not for my toddler - but it would be fun for slightly older kids to help.

You'll need 100% silk ties from the thrift store, an old pillowcase or lightweight light colored material (got mine at the thrift store too), some string or twist ties, and scissors.

These two were my favorite ties. Love the elephants.

First deconstruct the ties carefully, salvage just the silk material.

Then wrap your eggs as tight as possible without breaking the egg (right side of the material touching the surface of the eggs). Then wrap again with the pillowcase material.

Place gently in a pot, cover eggs with water and add 1/4 cup vinegar. Then turn the heat on. Once the water starts boiling, time them for 20 min. Check periodically for floaters - and push them back down again. Remove from water and let cool and dry till damp.
I was impatient so I gave my eggs more airflow so they'd cool faster by placing my cooling rack over my sink and a paper towel underneath to catch drips.

Some of my favorites...

I love how the paisley ties turned out!

I got this idea from
Our Best Bites. A few silk ties from the thrift store and voila!
Click here for full instructions and more pictures from Our Best Bites. Oh, and they're not edible! The dye on silk ties is not FDA approved, who knows where it's from - so don't try it! I'm going to find some cute white ceramic egg cups and display mine.
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