There will be 4 prizes & 4 winners...
Are your little ones tousled tresses driving you insane?

1 - Grab the button on the right sidebar and link my site up to yours - then leave a comment letting me know you did it, a link to your site if it's public (I just might want to link back), and your email address in case you win = 1 entry
2 - Post about this giveaway on your blog - then leave a comment with the info = 1 entry
3 - Become a follower (see right sidebar) - then leave a comment with the info = 1 entry
4 - Post about this giveaway on your facebook status - then leave a comment with the info = 1 entry
5 - Become a fan of The Mom Blog on facebook - then leave a comment with the info = 1 entry
DO ALL 5, and let me know in your comment and your name will be automatically entered in 5 times --> you'll be 5 times more likely to win!!
Let the games begin!! Don't forget your email address in your comment so I can contact you if you win. The giveaway closes Monday the 8th at noon and winners will be announced that day.
{ Have a great business you'd like to promote through a giveaway on our site? Please contact me - barb.themomblog(at)gmail(dot)com }
barb-- I linked it to my blog AND posted it on facebook. so that's 2. I think my niece would love the hair bows! ;)
ReplyDeleteI do what Hannah I became a fan on facebook and am a blog follower. Keeping my fingers crossed for the nursing covers, since I don't know if I'm having a boy or girl yet.
ReplyDeleteAlso, thanks for posting that SIDS study, it's very interesting and encouraging!
Sorry, I also posted a link on my facebook profile. 3 of 5 cause I'm not cool enough to have my own blog :).
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! I'm a follower! (on the sidebar)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower now! Oh, and I did the button on our blog, so there's two for me!
ReplyDeleteHey Barb...I am a fan and a follower, two for me!
ReplyDeleteI already have two covers, but I LOVE yours! So I'm hoping for that.
ReplyDeleteI am now a follower, I put your button on my blog, I am a fan on facebook and I commented about the blog on my status! That's 4!
Hey Barbara, count me in for all 5! I love your new blog. :-) This was a great idea for you.
ReplyDeleteI got your button on my page, am a follower (but its under my maiden name...wierd!)and i am a fan on facebook Barbara! (thats 3!)
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Amber I saw this on her blog and am very excited about your blog. I am going to be a first time mom of a little girl in May. I am a follower of your blog, I will post about you on my blog, and on my facebook status, and follow you on facebook. um I forgot the other I will go back and look count me in for all 5 though. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower!! I would love to win! :) Great Blog
ReplyDeleteI linked your blog to mine!
ReplyDeleteI have no officially done all five things! Sorry they were in separate postings. I am a friend of Mikelle and saw her post. Your blog looks way cute and I'm excited to be a follower :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower!!:)
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan on facebook :)
ReplyDeleteI posted about this giveaway on my blog (you know where to find me!)
ReplyDeleteI also posted about this giveaway on my facebook status!
ReplyDeleteI did all 5! I love great blogs like this, super helpful!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's blogged about at
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower now! I can't believe I didn't know about this site before, now I'm stoked!
ReplyDeleteI posted it on facebook
ReplyDeleteI'm now a fan on facebook. So I guess I did all three, I guess I could have just left one post. Sorry! But if I don't win I'm buying one of your nursing covers anyways because they are so dang cute!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower!