Simple valentine craft from MADE with Dana - if you've never checked out her blog, do - it is amazing! This craft is great for pre-school aged children and will help develop those motor skills.
Heart Bingo
For slightly older kids - I found this on crafts.slides.kaboose.com This would be a great way to practice number recognition with your pre-schooler!
For slightly older kids - I found this on crafts.slides.kaboose.com This would be a great way to practice number recognition with your pre-schooler!

Heart Lacing
Cut a large red heart shape from poster board (or white poster board and let your child have fun coloring). Punch holes around the perimeter using a hole punch. Let children lace yarn through holes.

Matching Hearts
Make several pairs of matching hearts. Have children find the matching pairs.

Matching Game
Why not have fun while learning? Click here for printable valentine matching card game.
Same vs. Different
Which one of these things is not like the other - printable heart pdf.
Flying Hearts
Glue a red and a pink heart together back to back. Put this special heart plus about three dozen plain hearts in the center of an old bed sheet. The children hold onto all sides of the sheet and gently toss the hearts up and down. At the shout of "Hearts high!" the children toss the sheet high into the air, making the hearts fly. The child who picks up the most hearts and the one who finds the special pink and red heart are the winners.
Heart Puzzle
Cut a large heart from red or pink poster board. Cut into several pieces, making a puzzle.
Or if, like Little Miss, your child loves to color - click here for free printable Valentine related coloring pages.

Or if, like Little Miss, your child loves to color - click here for free printable Valentine related coloring pages.

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