Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Giveaway Winners!

Sorry this post is up late - I had company. Thanks to, the two lucky winners of the Pee-pee Tee-pee's are...

Jana who said..."You're linked to my blog, I'm a follower, and a fan of face book! I love the idea of these and am way impressed your sewing them. Adorable fabric too!"

And Marie who said..."Oh--pick me, pick me! I'm about to have my first boy, and I need all the help I can get with that little unit!"

Congrats ladies!! Sorry I never posted pictures of the finished product. The past couple days have been a little hectic. But, you'll receive them in the mail shortly! Also, if you have a preference on fabric, let me know via email. I know not everyone is a fan of the skull and cross bones...barb.themomblog(at)gmail(dot)com

Thanks for playing!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, what good timing, since the little guy showed up on the 9th! I am just catching up on all my blogs, and I'm super excited that I won! :)


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