Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Left Foot, Right Foot

Today is Dr Seuss's birthday - not to mention Read Across America Day. So get reading!!

To celebrate, Little Miss and I read every Dr Seuss book we could find at home and at the library.

We even checked out a couple of short videos to watch from the library later.

And of course we had to do some kind of crafty project...

Little Miss loves getting her toenails painted. So, after reading The Foot Book, we painted the toes on her left foot and her right foot.

Then we traced her feet.

Then we did foot prints on paper for daddy with craft paint.

Which also led to tracing her hands, dolly's feet, and doing hand prints with paint - talking about left hand, right hand.

Some other things you could do...
  • Make green eggs and ham of course! We're saving that one for St. Patrick's day coming up...
  • Use construction paper and paint to make your own red-white hat like the Cat In The Hat.
  • Buy some rainbow colored Goldfish crackers and play sorting games. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish - we'll probably do this one later.
And for older kids...

1 comment:

  1. Such cute ideas! Happy B-day Dr. Suess! My dad use to cook us green eegs all the time!
    Thanks for your comment on my MMB post. For some reason I was worried it would be taken wrong and people would want to throw rocks at my head.


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