Welcome to October! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and let’s face it, I had my decorations up 2 weeks ago. With Halloween just around the corner, it’s no surprise that trick-or-treating has been on my mind.
I’ve already got our costumes planned out, and just started making them. You might be exploring your options too, so here are some homemade costume ideas for your viewing pleasure. If you’ve already got your costumes set, these would make great dress-ups!
1 - Minnie Mouse
This is last year’s costume…I just used black tights, shoes, and a pink sweater we already had, and made a skirt by cutting a big circle of fabric, stitching elastic around the waist, and hemming the bottom. I made a matching trick-or-treat bag out of pink and white felt. I was going to make my own mouse ears, but I found these which were too cute too pass up—and they were only $5 at Party City. A year later, she still dresses up in the skirt and ears on a weekly basis. =)
2 - Owl
I got this pattern from
Alpha Mom. Begin by cutting an old t-shirt up the back and adding Velcro so it easily slips on and off. Then cut out feathers, sew them on row by row, and voila! Complete with owl mask!
3 - Mail Carrier
This one is easy peasy! I just bout a little boy’s shirt from a local Goodwill for $2 and sewed a felt envelope on the pocket. I bought a plain blue baseball cap from Walmart ($5) and sewed an identical envelope on the front. Then I made a quick mailbag out of some fabric scraps, attached another felt envelope, and the ensemble was complete!
4 - Little Red Riding Hood
Started by folding my fabric in half, then free-handing the shape of the cape. Traced a hood from one of my jackets, attached it to the cape, then added some ribbon to tie around the neck. I would recommend using a small picnic basket to collect candy with.
5 - Doctor
I cut down the sleeves and sides of my husband’s old white shirt to make this doctor’s jacket. Add a Fisher Price medical kit, and it’s ready to go!
6 - Witch
Another cape I free-handed and a simple witch’s hat (I’ve seen some at the dollar section of Target). I would suggest a black skirt and funky striped tights with this costume.
7 - Cowboy/Cowgirl

I found this hat at the same Goodwill for $2, then used a vest of my daughter’s to trace out a basic pattern for this. I used one of my husband’s old shirts for the lining and pockets, and got a horse-on-a-stick from Dollar Tree. Cowboy boots and chaps would complete this look. Yee-haw!
8 - Blue's Clues
Cut out 4 ear shapes, and attach darker blue spots on 2 of them. Sew front and back of ear right sides together (leaving an opening), turn inside out, then stuff with cotton balls or batting. Attach to a headband, then cover headband with ribbon. I would pair this with a blue shirt and jeans. Blue shoes and blue mittens would be a plus. You could even paint a blue nose.
9 - Princess
To make this hat, roll a piece of paper into a cone, then cover with fabric (I used some purple flannel I had). Add some ribbons, jewels, or any other bling you want. Pair this with a pretty dress, necklaces, fancy gloves and a sparkly wand.
Good luck with your costume planning, and happy Halloween!

Marie is a stay at home mom of two adorable kiddos who keep her super busy! She has a dual degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education and continues to use her degree everyday of her mommy career!
Marie is one of my good friends and someone I look up to very much as a mommy. She has tons of fun ideas for things to do with your kids - so keep an eye out for her future guest posts.