The other day we celebrated yellow! Of course there was coloring involved - one of Little Miss's favorite things to do, and it's a great activity to develop those fine motor skills. Especially if you're little one is OCD about picking off the paper on all his/her crayons just like mine is. And we both wore yellow!

Next we made yellow vanilla pudding together. She loves to cook, so I knew this would be a hit. Plus we get to practice counting as we put in the milk with a small measuring cup.

While the pudding set up we strung a yellow necklace. This was a fun activity because I gave her yellow noodles, yellow yarn, and a bowl of fruit loops to see if she'd be able to pick out the yellow by herself - and she did! Sweet. Another great fine motor skill activity as well.

And to end our yellow day - we ate a yellow lunch. Quesadilla, bananas, and of course - the pudding!

Are any of you doing "days" with your preschooler? Have any great yellow activities to share?
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