We did so many fun things for our E Day! I had barely introduced the subject when Little Miss piped up - "I have an E in my room! Come on, I'll show you!"
She was off and running to retrieve the rather large and rather pink E shown in the picture. She kept it out all day to show daddy when he got home.
First, we colored. I know, we color a lot. But Little Miss loves it, and as I've said before - it does promote fine motor skill development. So bring on the coloring! I found an array of images on a google search - and she chose to color the Easter Egg one...

- Took a ride on an elevator
- watched Elmo - of course
- learned about and found a place to hear our echoes
This is the most clever, creative learning idea! I can only imagine that these kinds of activities make a huge impression on her mind and that "E" will be very easy to remember come school.