The other night I had a trip down memory lane as I served my Little Miss a Cup of Worms...

I hadn't had one of these since elementary school. So easy and fun. Just chocolate pudding, gummy worms, and a little cocoa powder or cookie crumbs to dust the top of your "dirt".
Be could start out nice, and end really messy. Luckily she "painted" herself with pudding right before tubby time. But it was totally worth it to watch her have so much fun exploring the texture of pudding. She is one silly girl!

And the something new, hand-print spiders. This was a simple easy craft - didn't take much time and Little Miss loved it.

You'll need - some paint, paintbrush, paper, googly eyes, scissors, and glue. A painting smock and wet wipes were very handy as well! Just paint your hand, all but the thumb and make a print. Then do the same to your other hand overlapping the palms. Then your spider will have 8 (finger) legs.

She loves painting so much we also did foot prints and then of course she had to cut a little with her special scissors. You can glue googly eyes on - or just go cheap and make your own with paper, which is what we did.
The holidays are so much more fun with a little one around!
MUD! that is my most favorite halloween treat. someone i knew made it so elaborately with layers of cookie bits and such.. delish! can't wait until our kid is big enough to really enjoy holidays.