Friday, April 16, 2010

Giveaway: YoBaby 3-in-1 Meals (closed)

When we started giving Little Miss yogurt we only gave her YoBaby - all natural, organic, and not packed full of sugar. Maybe I kept buying it as she got older because I've never tasted anything quite as good as the apple YoBaby yogurt. So good.

When Little Miss was too full to finish the apple - I wasn't ever that upset. I took care of it for her.

So to pass on a little YoBaby love - I've teamed up with Stonyfield Farm, the makers of YoBaby Yogurt, for a giveaway!

They have a new product line called 3-in-1 Meals...

"...To make healthy eating even easier for busy moms-on-the-go and picky babies, we’ve recently added YoBaby 3-in-1 Meals to our YoBaby yogurt line. YoBaby Meals offer a unique 3-in-1 combination of protein-packed yogurt + fruit + veggie purée in one cup.

They’re an easy, delicious and surprising way to help moms give their babies and toddlers a trio of important food groups at every meal. Three delicious flavors -- Pear & Green Bean, Peach & Squash, Apple & Sweet Potato – are just right for baby’s growing appetite.

Of course, YoBaby is still all natural and certified organic, made with milk from cows fed organic feed and not treated with antibiotics or artificial growth hormones..."

There will be one lucky winner of the following...

  • 1 YoBaby Travel Bowl w/ lid
  • 1 YoBaby Organic Cotton Bib
  • 1 Eric Carle Growth Chart
  • 3 Free YoBaby Meal Coupon
I am so excited to try the new 3-in-1 Meals! Especially that Apple + Sweet Potato!

So here's what you need to do to enter to win...leave a comment. That's it. But, if you want to increase your chances of winning, for each of the following that you do (let me know in your comment what you've done) - your name will be entered again! This giveaway is open to anyone with a U.S. address & will be shipped directly from Stonyfield Farm.

1 - Grab the button on the right sidebar and link my site up to yours

2 - Post about this giveaway on your blog

3 - Become a follower (see right sidebar)

4 - Post about this giveaway on your facebook status

5 - Become a fan of The Mom Blog on facebook

DO ALL 5, and let me know in your comment and your name will be automatically entered in 5 more times --> you'll be 5 times more likely to win!!

The giveaway will close Tuesday the 20th at 8am - so start spreading the word!

{ Have a great business you'd like to promote through a giveaway on our site? Please contact me - barb.themomblog(at)gmail(dot)com }


  1. I did all 5! I am really excited about this one!

  2. When Mad was little, she only would eat the gogurt style. but the neon colors of gogurt totally freaked me out. So I always but her the stonyfield version. yeah!

  3. This looks really neat, I would like to try it! Pick Me!

  4. Sounds soooo yummy!! I would love to try this out with my little eater :) I did 1, 3, and 5. :) Thanks Barb!

  5. I found you from UDD. I've never tried Yo Baby, but I'd love to. I also did #3 and #5.

  6. I did all 5 as well!! Yo baby is delicious and so nutritious!! Thanks so much!! :)

  7. You're on my website! I really like yours. Thanks for it.

  8. You're buttons on my website. I really like it. Thanks


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