Monday, April 19, 2010

Hooray for Spring!

I really am so so glad that Spring decided to stick around my part of the world! Finally. It's even time for...sunblock! Gasp. So excited. Little Miss and I love to be outside. Here are some of our favorite exploring Spring activities...
  • blowing bubbles
  • playing with a frisbee
  • shovel + bucket + mud = hours of fun and one dirty kid
  • listening to birds
  • collecting worms after the rain for some neighborhood chickens
  • running
  • playing with water on the sidewalk
  • sidewalk chalk
  • chasing each others shadows
  • learn how to care for a plant (we're growing peanuts)
Feeding baby animals at a local farm...

Sweeping the sidewalk with a neighbor friend...

Bouncing this pink ball down the stairs takes a lot of energy - so you sometimes need to stop for a banana break...

Riding a bike...

Playing "keep away" with a friend...

Collecting rocks while on a walk around a university campus. Going to a campus is the best - they have tons of grass to run on, hallways to explore, elevators to ride, stairs to climb, and tons of people that wave and say hi because they haven't seen a small child in months...Little Miss loves this activity!

Picking flowers to decorate the neighbor boys head with...

Getting his sister in cahoots with you...poor little guy...

Picnic under an umbrella...

We love Spring!

Things we have yet to do:
  • make a pine cone bird feeder
  • fly a kite
  • leaf rubbings
  • plant our garden (Little Miss will learn how to weed)
What activities do you like to do with your little one to enjoy Spring?

Just a reminder - today is the last day to enter the giveaway for YoBaby Yogurt 3-in-1 Meals - click here to find out more!


  1. Hey Barb,
    Somewhere on here, you posted something about Mandarin Boards...I can't find it, but I'm getting referals from your blog. THANKS!

  2. Adorable pictures! I absolutely love the colorful umbrella with the matching dress! Fits right in there with spring!!

  3. Babies sweeping is the cutest. They're so determined, but so the wrong size. I love it.


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