Amber who said, "This looks really neat, I would like to try it! Pick Me!" - well must have been listening - because it picked you! Email me your mailing address at barb.themomblog(at)gmail(dot)com so you can get your stuff! Congrats! Thanks for playing everyone else!
And a quick update on potty's been a week since we ditched the diapers. It was a long week - but oh so good. Little Miss was very ready, I was very ready. Making it super fun and always having a positive attitude - even when I was cleaning up messes - made all the difference.
- Day 1: 6 Accidents
- Day 2: 2 Accidents
- Day 3: 1 Accident
- Day 4: 0 Accident
- Day 5: 0 Accidents
- Day 6: 0 Accidents
- Day 7: 0 so far...
The first few days I had to get really creative to keep her inside - since the outside warm weather was mocking us. But I knew if we went outside she would not come back in, throw a fit, have an accident. So a little painters tape helped with hopscotch (thanks for the idea Nicole).

She's still in Pull-Up's for naps and diapers at nighttime, but we've made definite progress!
The real test was church on Sunday. We had her sit on a "special" blanket - just in case...and then it was just a matter of telling her teachers what we were doing and they were awesome about getting her on the potty every 1/2 hour. But...she held it till we got home. What's with kids and using public restrooms? Oh, well. At least she didn't have an accident!
I still haven't taken her to run errands, or really anywhere away from a bathroom. Maybe we'll venture out a little this week.
A couple of things that helped me keep a positive attitude:
- Can't get upset when they have accidents because they really do have to practice using those muscles and make them strong enough to "hold it" - it just takes time.
- Everyone gets potty trained! So don't stress - it'll happen.
- I kept thinking of all the money we'll save not buying diapers and all the cute shoes/clothes I can buy with that money...or, more responsibly, the debt we can pay off faster.
Other posts in this series:
wow, look how fast her accidents dropped! amazing. i love that she held it through church. that really says something, huh? she sure has those muscles going!
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with how well she's done! And how well YOU have done! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteBarb, that is seriously awesome. i have bought addison a little potty, but haven't officially started the training. We travel so much in the summer (think 6 hours drives every 2 weeks) that i think i will try in the fall or winter. When we don't want to leave the house anyway. :) You will be my inspiration!