The more I involve Little Miss in the cooking process the better she is about eating food - specifically healthy food. So, last night we made homemade mini pizzas. This is super simple and cheap.

The crust is made of Rhodes Rolls. I buy them in bulk at Sam's Club - one roll equals one mini pizza. Let the rolls rise like normal. But instead of cooking them, flatten them out into 5 inch circles. Throw on your favorite toppings and bake for 12 good!
Too add a healthy spin I took our favorite pizza sauce and added pureed cauliflower. I love using cauliflower puree. It is super versatile because it takes on the flavor of pretty much anything you pair it with.
*Pureed Cauliflower: steam fresh cauliflower, puree it in your food processor with a little water and freeze! I do a few bags that are 1/2 cup and a few that are 1 cup. To thaw the puree quickly - place sealed freezer bag in bowl of hot water while prepping other food.No pictures of the finished pizzas - we were so hungry I forgot!
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