Poor husband (and poor me) - a baby moon was a must for us! And I'd highly recommend it to everyone who is expecting - whether it's your first or seventh!
We initially wanted to go somewhere - but as things turned out, and since I'm pretty uncomfortable and feel sick at night time, we decided it would be a waste to spend money on a hotel. After shipping Little Miss off to Grandma's for the night - we did some of our favorite things locally...
- Dinner out
- Ski Ball
- Movie - The Tourist
- Dessert
- Sleeping In
- Lazy morning watching movies & cuddling
- Foot Spa (for me)
- Lunch out
- Fun Drive
- Steamers
- Book Store
- Lots of laughs and fun with my best friend!
- and ZERO responsibility!
A couple of rules for our baby moon - no answering the door, getting on the computer, or answering our phones. It was almost like returning back to newly-wed lockdown - which rocked!
Have you had (or are you going to have) a baby moon? What things did you do (will you be doing)?
Sounds like such a blast!!!