Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pass It On - Blogger Award

I received this blogging award the other day...

My first award! Thanks Granny T!! 

My favorite part about this award - it's a pass along.
So I get to choose 15 other blogs to receive it...

So here's how this award works:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award 
and link back to them in your post. 

2. Tell 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers,
contact them
and let them know they've received the award :)

Super fun!

Thank You Granny T!!!
7 Things About Me:

1 - My favorite color is red and it takes a conscious effort to not decorate my entire house in red...

2 - I am days away from having baby #2 - I'll be induced Friday at the latest - woohoo!

3 - I secretly wish I was a jazz lounge singer - maybe in another life.

4 - I am married to a rocket scientist - literally.

5 - I am the youngest of 9 and have 20+ nieces and nephews, and 7+ great nieces and nephews - there are so many I can't keep track anymore.

6 - I have an obsession with cooking and traveling and wish I had the time and means to do more of both.

7 -  I am LDS - a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka mormon)

Blogs I have Chosen for the award are:


I love comments! It helps me to know what you're interesed in and what you would like to learn about. It also gives me the chance to get to know you better & find more qualified moms to be guest bloggers!

**I reserve the right to not publish a comment that is a personal attack on another reader - we all have differing views on parenting & this is a place where you can feel safe sharing your opinions. Please remember to be respectful!**


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