• Talk about shadows. Go outside on a sunny day and look at your own shadow. Help them notice how it changes as you move. No sun? No prob. Turn off the lights and break out the flashlights. You can study shadows of your whole body or make shadow puppets with your hands. Help them see that when something gets in the way of the light, it makes a shadow on the ground/wall.
• Study groundhogs. Help them do a mini-research project to find out all they can about groundhogs. Guide them to informational websites, books, etc to find info. Once they’ve gathered said info, have them make a poster about it. With my 3-year old, I just pulled up an informational website, read some facts with her, then created this simple poster:
• Make a groundhog craft. Here’s an easy one. Paint a paper cup brown or green to look like the ground ;) Next, color or draw a picture of a groundhog, then glue it to the end of a popsicle stick. Push the popsicle stick into the cup, then you can move the little guy up above the ground to see his shadow.
Use it as a prop while you recite this poem:
Here's a Little Groundhog
(to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")
Here's a little groundhog, furry and brown,
He's popping up to look around. (push groundhog up)
If he sees his shadow, down he'll go. (pull groundhog back down)
Then six more weeks of winter - Oh No!!
• Talk about hibernation. What is it? What other animals hibernate? After your discussion, you could make a fort out of blankets and pretend you are a groundhog hibernating. Bring books, snacks, blankets, and pillows to get all cozy. Ask your child what they would want to do when they finished hibernating all winter long (I’d want to eat a big cheeseburger, if you ask me).
• And don’t forget to talk about why we celebrate Groundhog Day. For a good summary, go here.
Happy Groundhog Day!

Marie is one of my good friends and someone I look up to very much as a mommy. She has tons of fun ideas for things to do with your kids - so keep an eye out for her future guest posts.
I love the groundhog in the cup! that will be so fun to make with my boys!