Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Get Your Kids To Take Good Pictures

Do you have a little one that refuses to look at the camera when you're trying to get some pictures? Here are some tricks...
  • Lately when I want Little Miss to look at the camera and smile I tell her to look at my crazy eyebrows and just when she looks I make sure they're going up and down really fast, she smiles and I snap a picture.
  • When I want a really good smile or a laughing picture I'll put a stuffed animal on my head and "sneeze" so hard he flies right off - all while holding the camera posed and ready with my free hand.
Really, the sillier I get, the better the picture is.

This weekend we got some family pictures done by this amazing photographer...

...Nicole Anderson. I learned a new trick from her. She asked who Little Miss's favorite cartoon character was and then kept telling Little Miss that Mickey Mouse was in her camera but she had to look really close to see him...SMART! It worked like a charm and we got this cute picture out of it...

Thanks for the new trick Nicole! I hope you don't mind me passing it along. Thanks again for the amazing *free* photo shoot. Proof that blog giveaways are worth entering - I'd never won before, but I finally did! (FYI - giveaway tomorrow on The Mom Blog...)

Do you have any tricks for getting great pictures out of your kids?


  1. Saying Cheese. :) Ryan immediately says cheese now as soon as I get out the camera, and then my moment is gone. From there, I've got nothing! My problem is that he won't sit still and he doesn't really understand what I am saying yet. I guess I just have to wait a few more months. :)

    Oh and your pictures are AMAZING!!!! You are gorgeous!

  2. with my niece, I just leap around making weird sounds and facial expressions... works like a charm ;)

  3. Great tips- thanks! I can never get good smiles out of my 3 year old, so I'll definitely be trying these.
    (stopping by from MMB)


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