Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Moon

Pregnancy gives me tunnel vision - I think about the new baby, I dream about the new baby, and I busy myself preparing for the new baby...a lot! My tunnel vision is especially acute this time around because when I'm not focused on the new arrival, I'm giving Little Miss all the attention and play time I can muster.

Poor husband (and poor me) - a baby moon was a must for us! And I'd highly recommend it to everyone who is expecting - whether it's your first or seventh!

We initially wanted to go somewhere - but as things turned out, and since I'm pretty uncomfortable and feel sick at night time, we decided it would be a waste to spend money on a hotel. After shipping Little Miss off to Grandma's for the night - we did some of our favorite things locally...
  • Dinner out
  • Ski Ball
  • Movie - The Tourist
  • Dessert
  • Sleeping In
  • Lazy morning watching movies & cuddling
  • Foot Spa (for me)
  • Lunch out
  • Fun Drive
  • Steamers 
  • Book Store
  • Lots of laughs and fun with my best friend!
  • and ZERO responsibility!
Loved every minute of it! Now we won't have any regrets or "should-haves" once Little Buddy makes his appearance. So...come on, Little Buddy! Make your appearance!! =)

A couple of rules for our baby moon - no answering the door, getting on the computer, or answering our phones. It was almost like returning back to newly-wed lockdown - which rocked!

Have you had (or are you going to have) a baby moon? What things did you do (will you be doing)?

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