Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Trim the Tree

Some of my favorite tree ornaments are homemade. Not only are they something fun to do with your child, but a great way to bring a homey feel to the tree. They are a treasure to save and look back at, or can also be great gifts for teachers, grandparents, and friends. Without a doubt, there are hundreds of ideas, but here are just a few.
  • Holiday Wreath

First, take a small paper plate and cut out a hole in the center to place your picture. Then take squares of crepe paper or tissue paper, wrap it around the end of a pencil, dip it in glue, then adhere it to the plate. Repeat until the plate is covered. This is one I actually made in elementary school. Your finished product should be 3-dimensional….mine is a little flat, on account of it being two decades old…
  • Hand Print Santa

Trace your child’s hand on a piece of red craft foam, then on a piece of white. Cut the white one off at the thumb. Glue the white piece on top off the red. Add googly eyes, a pom pom nose, and a mustache cut from white foam. Draw a smile with puffy paint, then add a cotton ball brim, and another pom pom at the end of his hat. Attach a pipe cleaner for hanging. I received this from one of my kindergarten students, and it was my favorite gift that year!
  • Jar Lid Photo

Take an unused mason jar lid and drill a hole in the top and attach a photo to the front. Add a little glitter for décor, and if desired, have your child draw a holiday picture and attach to the back. Thank you, dear sister, for letting me use this photo of your awesome 80’s hair-do.

Happy decorating!


Marie is a stay at home mom of two adorable kiddos who keep her super busy! She has a dual degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education and continues to use her degree everyday of her mommy career!

Marie is one of my good friends and someone I look up to very much as a mommy. She has tons of fun ideas for things to do with your kids - so keep an eye out for her future guest posts.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! I love that they are made from items I already have :)


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