Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's a Habit, Sammy Rabbit!

Ever wondered when or how to teach your child about the value of hard work and saving money? It was so much easier when everyone lived on a farm - children learned first hand the value of hard work and the immediate benefit of storing up for the winter. Now, as parents, we almost have to create situations for our kids to learn these values.

Learning the value of saving money and not going into debt at a young age is so important nowadays - so many people are in over their heads trying to keep up with the Jones' & kids are increasingly more aware of what their friends have and they don't.

The author of "It's a Habit, Sammy Rabbit" contacted me with some great information and books to use with Little Miss. The book is a nice easy read and definitely not over her head. The coloring book and stickers are of course a hit. As my husband says - "if toddlers ruled the world, our universal currency would be stickers". The audio CD is very fun too. Little Miss loves it - it's super dancy! And not annoying like most kid CD's are.

So beyond paying our kids for chores (which I don't exactly agree with, but that's for another post)...these workbooks are a great resource to help our kids learn about the value of money and the importance of saving it. Although Little Miss enjoys the book, she's still a tad too young to "get it" completely. This would be great for kids age 5-7.

Check out some more reviews here.

See all the Sammy Rabbit workbooks here.

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